Our love of Italian food took us to
ITC Gardenia
To explore this exquisite Pan-Italian ristorante and relish authentic Italian cuisine they offer. Chef Vittorio Greco is extremely passionate about Italian cuisine and mentions that through Ottimo they offer fusion Italian cuisine and what makes it different is sourcing of fresh ingredients locally as well as internationally. Chef mentioned that local sourcing of fresh ingredients provide the edge to cuisine.
Join us for Foodography journey through Italian Cuisine
Insalata Di Gamberi Con Burrata E Cipolla Bruciata In Salsa Di Pomodori Rosa -- Highly Recommended
Warm Prawn salad with burrata cheese, pink tomato dressing, mesclun greens, edible flowers, fish roe and burnt onion
Really loved the flavours on this dish, Prawns were fresh and tasting well with Burrata Cheese.
Parmigiana Revisitata Con Olio Al Carbone -- Recommended
Trio of Aubergine, tomato and Parmesan mousse with fresh Aubergine salad, Parmesan crisp and a drizzle of charcoal oil
Again one of my favorite, loved how this deconstructed dish comes together in spoonful and that flow of flavors as you take your bit. Was something really different which we tried.
Le Nostre Zuppe
Zuppa Di Carciofi Con Gorgonzola E CioCCOlato Fondente -- Recommended
Artichoke soup with Gorgonzola and Dark Chocolate
Soup was something experimental and me being big lover of chocolate loved it, though they used 50% dark chocolate which was giving some extra sweetness to the soup and I would have loved 90% Dark chocolate in Soup.
Paste E Risotti
Tortellacci Burro Gamberi E Acciughe Con Crema Di Cavolfiori -- Highly Recommended
Liquid centered, butter and seafood tortelli with cauliflower cream
Loved this concept of inside out pasta where in pasta was filled inside with sauce and filling was outside making it appear like a salad. Pasta was carefully constructed so that you get that sauce in every bite and chef made sure non of our pasta shells were broken, now that's what I call perfection.
Risotto Al Prosecco Con Coscia D'anatra Confit
Risollo cooked with a dash of Prosecco served with Duck confit and duck reduction
I have to mention that duck was cooked well and was soft enough to chew, many other places are not able to maintain that consistency in duck dishes. Overall a great Risotto
I Secondi
Filetto Di Salmone Atlantico In Crosta Al Pistacchio Con Caponatina -- Highly Recommended
Atlantic salmon crusted with pistachio, herbs and bread crumb, served with sicilian styled caponata of eggplant, peppers, zucchini, pine nuts and rasins with sauteed spinach and white wine sauce.
Loved the quality of salmon and combination of flavors.
Stinco D'agnello Alla Milanese Con Risotto Croccante E II Suo -- Recommended
Slow cooked Lam Shank, Milanese style, with crispy saffron risotto, marrow crumble, sauteed vegetables, parseley and lemon.
Lamb was soft and juicy, I like my lamb bit spicy so I asked for more chilli for this dish and it worked really well
Torta Caprese con Sorpresa akka Caniglia -- Highly Recommended
Chocolate based dessert, consists of Chocolate ball which has filling of white chocolate, chocolate cake and vanilla. With hot chocolate poured on Top to open up loads of flavors of chocolate and vanilla.
Just perfect, its Nirvana for chocolate lovers.
Chocolate based dessert, consists of Chocolate ball which has filling of white chocolate, chocolate cake and vanilla. With hot chocolate poured on Top to open up loads of flavors of chocolate and vanilla.
Just perfect, its Nirvana for chocolate lovers.
Overall Great it was a great evening with Italian food, so if you love Italian and want to try something not so Pizza, head to Ottimo . Disclaimer : They serve really good Pizza's, but they have so many other options to try, that you will be spoiled of choices.
Till next time....Keep it STYLISH By Nature !!
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