
How to wear a skater style dress

Hi Everyone,

Skater Dress are the one in which the top (bodice) is form fitted and then slightly flares out to be loose below the bust-line or waistline.

Skater style dresses are absolutely perfect when it comes to pear shaped figures, the style of them falls just right over your curvaceous hips whilst the usually fitted bodice will show off your slender top half. They come in numerous lengths, colors and fabrics to suit different tastes and ages, the most popular ones all over the high streets and on the cat walks this season are perfect for parties.

My blue skater dress comes in the same category and completed my wardrobe with at least one blue dress. I simply adore the back design and the fit and flare of the dress.

As excited as we all are for Summer, the fact remains that it’s still pretty windy here in Bangalore. So, I always love to by pair up my dresses with sheer tights or sturdy jackets. Not only will you be happy for the extra warmth, but also have a new lady-like attitude to flaunt !!

Till next time....Keep it STYLISH By Nature !! 
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