
Featured Blog of the Week - Look10

 Hi Everyone,

Thrilled to share that 'Stylish By Nature' is featured as the 'Blog of the Week' at Look10.

Author: Shalini Gupta Chopra



How did you get the idea to create your blog?
I always loved wearing stylish outfits since my childhood. I inherited that from my parents. I was posting my outfits on various online portals for the past few years and was getting requests to start blogging. Initially, I ignored the requests due to time crunch. However, eventually I gave it a serious thought and started pursuing my passion for fashion with my blog.

How would you describe your style?
My style is eclectic. I buy in luxury boutiques but also in casual stores. My goal is to show you how we can be beautiful, trendy, stylish in every sense, pondering the purchase according to the latest trends of the moment! I hope to be a source of inspiration for everyone who likes fashion and those who want to embrace this world.

What other blog, if you have one, inspires you in a special way and would you recommend? Besides LOOK 10 of course.
Jessica Quirk – What I wore

Who or what has been your greatest fashion inspiration and do you feel influenced by the trends?
I draw inspiration from anything and everything around me. It could be movies, fashion magazines, nature or blogs. I do not follow trends blindly. I take into consideration my body type and comfort before adopting a trend. My fashion idol – Blake Lively.

Do you think fashion blogs might influence big brands and of course designers and creators?
The explosion of blogging and ecommerce has totally revolutionised fashion and people’s approach to fashion. Fashion blogs has a huge potential to influence big brands as they closely relate to people and street style.

How do you value the fashion market in your country? Do you think it's on an international level?
Fashion market in India has created quite a stir in international market. Recent releases of Christian Louboutin’s India inspired shoes and Karl Karl Lagerfeld’s India-inspired collection for Chanel has given the right signals that India is approaching

Are you now with any project in hands that can lead you to where you want to be in the fashion world?
I pursued my blog after a serious thought and consideration. That’s my highest priority project right now. I am open to collaborations which can help leap my blog to next levels.

Finally, would you like to add anything else or what’s the one question you wish people asked you but you’ve never had the opportunity to answer?
I just want to request readers to encourage Fashion Bloggers in the right spirit and that’s all is enough to appreciate the sweat and efforts which go into fashion blogging.


  Thanx to all dear friends for making it possible for me...HUGS and KISSES :)
You can read the complete article on Look 10 here

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